TGIF - A Rethink(IP) Milestone Moment
Posted by Douglas Sorocco at April 22, 2005 09:00 PM
I wanted to slip a TGIF item into the mix before Friday comes to an end.
Well it has been another week in rethink(IP) history and we reached a momentous milestone event today — our first “legitimate” search engine referral! It came courtesy of MSN search (which has a great RSS search feed service, by the way) and was on the ever popular and o-so-appropriate searchterm….
….. drumroll please ……
What? Our first search engine referral is for a TGIF franchise? Yikes – and to think, we didn’t have our flair on today. Anybody got any smiley face buttons we could wear around here?
Oh well — have a great weekend!
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anonymous Says:
April 23, 2005 10:49 AM
In order to improve this website, you guys might try spending less than 80% of the time hyping yourselves.
Douglas Sorocco Says:
April 23, 2005 02:42 PM
Well - thanks anonymous. I am flattered that you spent the time figuring out the percentage. We were shooting for 85%, so I guess we have some work to do.
If you have any ideas of things we should talk about - drop us a note. We will be happy to oblige you!
anonymous Says:
April 23, 2005 11:25 PM
In all honesty, I really appreciate the enthusiasm and the work. I have been following your projects closely and have been rewarded often. But I challenge you to find an issue of the New York Times where they say, "look, we were mentioned in the Wall Street Journal!" Yet it happens all the time in blogs. Maybe I'm spoiled, but I find the incessant back patting grating.
Additionally, please, let me control my aggregator by limiting redirects to links which you're REALLY sure I've missed.
New media is going to replace old media, but it's not ready yet, partly because old media tradition has not made the rounds. My stark, and perhaps unfair comment is intended to remind you that the people who will be in first place are the people who let the work speak for itself. Good periodicals earn their status on content. You have to believe that, even when you see persons posting lesser content and getting more acclaim. Rethink persistent quality.
So, free topic? Here's one: in the perpetual debates over the wisdom of the institution of the jury, one justification often pops up: people just like it. I advocate this functions in the patent world too. As an engineer, nobody knew what a patent was, and everybody knew what a patent was. That latter aspect is part of the unilateral contract offer that is the patent system. Yet it is rarely attributed a "cost" or value in the law and economics positions on the patent system. It should be. If it was, this would all make a lot more sense. If this had a more realistic value attributed it, it might knock Malchup off the fence. Humans are emotional machines, and they like the patent system because it feels good. Academics have to measure this intangible. One way to do it would be to survey engineers. That's what I'd like to see, and I offer it in response to Kinsella's article.