
Shadow Blawg Review

Posted by Douglas Sorocco at March 26, 2006 06:38 PM

Donald_bad_boyWell .... we were …bad …. bad … boys a couple of weeks ago.

It seems that our little experiment to shake up Blawg Review was met with mixed results at best. While we received a large number of "thank yous" and well wishes — at least one blogger called us lazy (although it is hard to figure out how to lazily jump the shark – trust us, we probably spent more time discussing whether we should do it than most people spend actually putting the review together). 

Another blogger chastised us for not standing by our original decision – i.e. we posted the remainders at Blawgr.  We decided to post the rest of the entrants over at Blawgr in order to start a discussion – an idea which appears to have fallen short.  Apparently, law bloggers don’t like to discuss things in groups.

We apologize - we are truly sorry for any upset our rethinking caused. We thought it might be useful to scale back Blawg Review a little bit and make it more pertinent.... but we know how much y'all like your links, so we are going to pay some pennance and share some linking goodness with y'all this week.

Now, we haven't cleared this with "Ed" - so, we await your love, scorn or indifference alone and without the armor of Ed's cloak. So... without further ado, we give you all the law related links that we could find in the blawgosphere this week:

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