Rethink(ip) blog improvements - keywords and printer-friendly displays
Posted by J Matthew Buchanan at April 14, 2005 09:58 AM
The three of us are geeks at heart. Part of the fun of this project is tinkering with the tech, and that includes the rethink(ip) blog.
Recently, we added two improvements to the blog —
1. Keywords
Each post on the blog will be assigned a primary keyword. The keyword is a label to group related entries, and is more focused than the categories to which posts are assigned.
Big deal, eh? We think so…here’s why. The individual entry archive pages (available by clicking on the permalink at the top of an entry) has been modified to include an ‘Additional Information’ section that will contain a listing of other rethink(ip) posts having the same keyword.
So, when you finish reading a post, the ‘Additional Information’ section provides links to other rethink(ip) information that you may also find interesting. Sort of like a logical jumpstation.
Want to see it in action? Look at the individual entry archive for Steve’s Axis of Evil post from yesterday. See the ‘Additional Information’ section? Steve assigned the keyword “insourcing” to his post. As a result, his other post having that keyword is listed in this section.
And here’s the really cool part (I told you we are geeks at heart) – the ‘Additional Information’ section looks backward and forward. To appreciate this, visit this post at Promote the Progress. See the ‘Additional Information’ section? All posts listed there have the keyword PTFMA (Patent and Trademark Fee Modernization Act). Some are dated prior to this particular post, some are dated subsequent to it. So no matter where you come into the chain on a particular topic, the ‘Additional Information’ section will provide a full picture of other information on that topic.
Obviously, this is a feature that builds value over time. Right now, many of our keywords only have a single post. But give us time…we’ve got a lot of rethinking to do.
2. Printer-friendly display
So you love our writing so much that you actually want to print a post for hanging on the refrigerator. Cool. But wait, you don’t want to waste valuable ink on all the snazzy formatting?
No problem. Visit the individual entry archive for the post you’re interested in, and scroll down to the ‘Printer-friendly Display’ section (right above the ‘Additional Information’ section). Click where indicated and a new window will open with the text of the post sans fancy blog formatting.
We hope the refrigerators of the patent world will never be the same.
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