May 17, 2006

Dominant Design and Creative Labs v Apple Computer

Posted at May 17, 2006 02:51 PM in Rethink(ip) .

Posted by Bill Meade

By Bill Meade, President – Basic IP Management, Inc.

James M. Utterback’s (1994) MASTERING THE DYNAMICS OF INNOVATION is one of my favorite books. Utterback has lately been squeezed between Clayton Christensen’s work on disruptive innovation and Geoffrey Moore’s work on market structure and shareholder wealth management. But, I think Utterback deserves reading by patent attorneys.

First, because, Utterback’s book is just plain fun for a technology person to read. It has competition case histories of the typewriter (p. 1), automobiles (p. 34), television (p. 38), transistors (p. 41), calculators, (p. 42), disk drives (p. 46), and many other one-time high-tech industries. Second, I think Utterback deserves reading because his dominant design model has many uses in constructing defenses and offenses in patent litigation.

Utterback is a theorist of how competition grows and declines in an industry. I strongly urge you to buy this book and read for yourself Utterback’s theory (see end notes). I’m going to do a back-of-envelope summary here, to demonstrate how nicely the theory can be applied to patent litigation, specifically, to Creative Labs vs. Apple Computer. And, hopefully, to spark the idea that recent development in economic theory can be handy tools for patent litigators.

Utterback’s Theory: Dominant Designs

As a new technology is developed, entrepreneurs sense its missing features, think of ways to improve the technology, and introduce new products they hope will be differentiated by their improvements. In most new industries the result is that the number of competitors increases over time. What is really going on here is that an adolescent market is searching, groping, and exploring the technology’s capabilities. As people in the market get their heads around the technology, an optimal combination of features becomes clear. This combination is called by Utterback a “dominant design.”

Once a dominant design becomes available, many industries experience a collapse in the number of competitors. The shake-out-precipitating companies are the Microsofts, the Intels, and the Oracles, that benefit from the natural selection of markets. New market natural selection revolves around optimal packages of affordable features.

Two implications of Utterback’s theory that are significant to a patent attorney and patent litigator are:

• Markets are created by systems. Individual features are not enough to generate a new market. To reach critical mass, to precipitate a new market, a system of features is needed to enable new product use-models that can out-compete old use-models. Entrepreneurs like Thomas Edison often understood this. Edison created much more than the light bulb. He designed the light bulb, the generator, the transmission lines, etc. to compete with the gas industry.
• You have to have end-to-end solutions that reliably meet the needs customers find most important.

Example products that conform to Utterback’s theory are the DC3. Peter Senge in THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE (p. 6) listed the 5 components of the DC3 dominant design as:

1. Variable-pitch propeller,
2. Retractable landing gear,
3. Monocque body construction,
4. Radial air cooled engines, and
5. Wing flaps

In 1934, Boeing introduced an airplane similar to the DC3, the Boeing 247 with all of DC3’s components except wing flaps. Unfortunately, the 247 was unstable taking off and landing so as a product, it was not adopted by the market. The next year, however, the DC3 was introduced and it swept the market. “The DC3 was the first plane to support itself economically as well as aerodynamically” (Senge p. 6) and many are still flying in many parts of the world.

Creative Labs vs. Apple

Creative Labs has sued Apple Computer for patent infringement (of US6928433 Automatic hierarchical categorization of music by metadata) in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California (case number 3:06-cv-03218-BZ).

David Pogue wrote a great New York Times article on 3/9/2006 (see end notes) which to a reader of Utterback sums up the elements of the iPod’s dominant design at that date. These elements are:

1. Cool-looking hardware.
2. Fun scroll wheel.
3. Simple user interface menu.
4. Great library of add-on accessories.
5. Effortless synchronization.
6. Rock solid integration with an online music store.

The Creative Labs patent can be seen as an attempt to grab the idea behind element #3: Simple user interface menu. The idea is hierarchical menus based on album, genre, artist, etc.

Rating the Products:

Owning both an iPod (20 gig) and a Creative Labs Zen (40 gig) product I would evaluate the products against Pogue’s dominant design elements as follows:

• both the iPod and Zen have cool looking hardware,
• only the iPod has a scroll wheel,
• both iPod and Zen have simple user interfaces,
• the iPod has a vastly superior add-on accessory library,
• the iPod has fantastic synchronization, and the Zen’s synchronization is bad,
• only the iPod has a great integrated music store.

Dominant Design-Based Defensive Arguments:

“The iPod and Zen products serve 2 completely different markets. Markets that the iPod can serve both of, and that the Zen products can only serve 1 of. These markets are the cheap stand-alone portable music player market (served by both Zen and iPod), and the defacto standard portable music player market (served only by the iPod). Because Zen products do not have: a scroll wheel (element 2), do not have a large library of add-on accessories (element 4), and do not have an integrated music store (element 6), they are cheap stand-alone portable music players. Even if the iPod infringed the Creative patent, no damages should be allowed. Creative has not been harmed by Apple’s success because even if Apple had never existed, Creative does not have the product system (i.e., all 6 elements of the dominant design) required to create the market that iPod created.”

End Notes:

Clayton Christensen (2003) THE INNOVATOR’S DILEMMA, Collins Reprint.

Geoffrey Moore (2005) DEALING WITH DARWIN: Portfolio

David Pogue (2006) “Almost iPod but in the End a Samsung” NY Times

Peter Senge (1994) THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE, Currency

James Utterback (1996) MASTERING THE DYNAMICS OF INNOVATION, Harvard Business School Press

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