May 17, 2005


Odds of change are dismal - bad news for the rethink(ip) team?

by J Matthew Buchanan

This month’s issue of Fast Company magazine (a rethinker’s favorite) includes an excellent article on change.  It opens with a simple question — what if you really had to change?  I mean really change.  As in, your life depends on it.

FastCompany_May_05The odds, according to FC, are a dismal 9 to 1.  “That’s nine to one against you.”

Lot’s of facts and figures to back it up, too.  Apparently 90% of heart-bypass patients can’t change their lifestyles…despite the health (and vitality) risks presented by continuing with current behavior.

Wow.  Must be frustrating to be a cardiologist.

Are these odds bad news for us rethinkers?  After all, we have a lofty goal of changing the practice of intellectual property law.

Each of us knows that change is tough.  It’s not accomplished overnight and it’s usually somewhat painful.  But, with hard work and a continuous effort that always keeps an eye on the prize, it can be accomplished.  And when it does happen (or, more appropriately, when the ‘changers’ realize that it has occurred), it can be beautiful.  And powerful.

Yes, I said beautiful.  Think about it:  Tivo.  Minimally-invasive medicine.  The Simpsons.  Satellite radio.  iTunes.  Blogging.  Plastic.  Hybrid vehicles.  Camden Yards.

So, no, we don’t view the odds against change as bad news.  They are simply the scope of the challenge.  It’s a big one, we’ll admit that, but it’s not like we’re dealing with life and death decisions…

…are we?




Posted to Rethink(IP) by J Matthew Buchanan in categories: Rethink(ip)
E-mail us regarding this post at rethinkip at gmail dot com.
Copyright 2005 J Matthew Buchanan