At the end of week one for the rethink(ip) blog, I’ve got lots of things running through my head. The two biggest observations I’ve had this week are:
1. The rethink(ip) group (the 'patent posse', as Ernie (and others) have called us) is truly a team. I learned this at Techshow when we met in person for the first time and was reminded of it several times during this initial week for the blog. We have quite a bit in common, including a real passion for intellectual property and making improvements to 'the system.' Importantly, we can disagree on an issue and still discuss it intelligently. This really is amazing to me considering we’re competitors.
To boot, we’ve got a lot in common on the personal side, too. As Ernie said, we formed the first subcommittee of the Internet Bar Association for professional reasons, but we’re already the better for the friendship it has created.
2. Demand for rethinking(ip) is huge. We’ve just started scratching the surface, but already the response has been fantastic. Thanks for the comments and e-mails. Our passion for this has only been fueled by the response we received this week.
Thanks to everyone who has visited the blog, commented to us, and/or commented about the blog elsewhere. We’re having a blast and are very excited to have a place to do all of our rethinking.